Sodium Handout

Sodium Handout Picture

ECU Contributor: Dr. Lauren R. Sastre PhD, RDN, LDN

This sodium educational handout addresses key areas to improve sodium intake for general health and well being but also for improved blood pressure and cardiovascular health. It focuses on 3 key messages around sodium, 1st- sodium vs. salt in clarifying terms and the impact of sodium consumption on blood volume and blood pressure and the maximum recommended quantity/day, 2nd- how to choose foods/use the food label to purchase lower sodium foods, and then 3rd- more global food education on quantities of sodium in common food items demonstrating both high and low sodium content in those foods. There is no “risk” for this nutrient education, and only documented benefits to lower sodium consumption, therefore, we feel this educational handout would be beneficial to be publicly available to any/all, but the creative development protected. Special thanks to the Heart 2 Heart Stakeholder Advisory Council for their collaboration, expertise, and support.

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